"Melting - The Confessions of Ikawa Yoshitaka" > 자유게시판

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"Melting - The Confessions of Ikawa Yoshitaka"

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작성자ultmu3 댓글댓글 0건 조회조회 5회 작성일 24-10-29 20:45


Finished reading "Melting - The Confessions of Igawa Mototaka".

This is the memoir of the former president of Daio Paper, who lost 10.6 billion yen at a casino.

He withdrew money from a subsidiary under the pretext of investment purposes,

but the money was like borrowing stocks he owned in advance,

and he had little awareness of the embezzlement, which makes this case seem less serious than other embezzlement cases.

And he paid back all the money he had spent.

(Though he regrets that even that was not good enough.)

I wanted to get a glimpse of the psychology of losing 10.6 billion yen at a casino,

but I couldn't quite get that far in just this one book.

There's a sequel too. I'm intrigued.


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평일 : 17:00 - 07:00
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  • 상호 : 손오공
  • 대표 : 손오공
  • 주소 : 서울 강서구 마곡동
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